an eye with a blue water drop over the iris and pupil

A bright solution to your dry eyes

Insight Eye Surgery recognises that having dry eyes can be tough and frustrating. We have set up our Dry Eye Clinic to provide a range of treatments to improve your eyes' meibomian gland function to help your tears be the best they can be.

  • Meibomian gland dysfunction is a common cause of dry eye disease
  • Intense Pulsed Light treatment is quick, non-invasive and is performed on the skin around the eyes
  • No-downtime
  • Reduced dependency on dry eye drops

Patients can be referred by GP or Optometrist for Dry Eye treatment. Alternatively, as this is a private treatment, patients can come to us directly for Dry Eye treatment without a referral.

A woman with long blonde hair looking into the distance

What are dry eyes?

Dry eyes are a very common condition which can range from mild to severe. If the tear film of the eye is disrupted, and / or if the cornea becomes less healthy due to poor or insufficient tears, then blurred vision and uncomfortable eyes can result.

Treatment information

Insight Eye Surgery uses Intense Pulsed Light or "IPL" which is a non-invasive and innovative treatment for dry eyes. This type of technology can help produce long-lasting dry eye relief for our patients.

The IPL treatments are available individually or as a complete program to improve the surface of your eyes and reduce dependence on eye drops.

woman wearing goggles with optilight machine next to her eyes

Blephasteam and Blephex

Alongside IPL, Insight Eye Surgery uses Blephasteam and Blephex treatments. These treatments are available as part of the IPL program to improve the surface of your eyes and reduce dependence on eye drops.

How do I book my IPL treatment?

To book your IPL sessions please contact us or call us directly on Brisbane: 07 3154 1515 or Noosa: 07 5345 5011.


How much does IPL cost?

Our IPL prices are provided here >>

Walk me through the IPL procedure:

  1. You rest comfortably on the treatment couch.
  2. Safety eye wear is provided for you to wear.
  3. Optical gel is applied generously along treatment areas (this includes the under eye, cheekbone, and into the temporal areas.
  4. A series of flashes will be given on each of your eyes during the session. Five flashes will be applied under the eye area (just above the cheeks) of each eye, starting from the nose to the temple.
  5. Once the treatment is complete, gel is cleaned off and your eye protection is removed. There is no recovery time needed.

It is recommended to wear sun protection (Ie. sunglasses, hat, and / or sunscreen) or avoid direct sunlight or tanning immediately after each session.

Further reading

There's lots of information available out there about Dry Eye Disease. We've made it easier for you by collating it into our own info sheet for download.

Download the info sheet: Dry eyes and meibomian gland dysfunction (PDF 655kb)

Dry eyes leaflet